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Francisco Fonseca

Beginning in CTFs

CTF1 min read

CTF (Capture The Flag) is a kind of information security competition that challenges contestants to solve a variety of tasks ranging from a scavenger hunt on Wikipedia to basic programming exercises to hacking your way into a server to steal data. In these challenges, the contestant is usually asked to find a specific piece of text that may be hidden on the server or behind a webpage, etc.

My first CTF was alongside HackerSchool and we placed 97 out of 1064 receiving a Pentester Academy reward.

I quickly realized I was very interested in participating in more competitions. My main categories of focus became very evident after some training:

  1. Cryptography
  2. Programming
  3. OSINT(Open Source INTelligence)
  4. Steganography
  5. Miscellaneous

Since then I have been doing several competitions placing 10th in Portugal and 1198 overall.

You can check my profile in this link.

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